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Troy de Haas

Managing Director

Melbourne, Australia / Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
O: +61429271983
M: +84978189415
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Troy de Haas represents ZRG and TurnkeyZRG as Managing Director for the Asia-Pacific market. Troy brings to the role two decades of international experience transforming organizations, federations, leagues, clubs and teams by leading them in executive search efforts to secure stellar talent. He is highly recognized and trusted in Asia-Pacific, the fastest-growing global sports market.

Troy’s unique background as an elite athlete, who represented Australia in Mountain Running and Orienteering where he became the first non-European to stand on the podium at a World Championships, gives him a unique perspective and familiarity with the region and its talent market. Residing part time in Australia and also in Asia affords him the opportunity to establish cross-border and cross-sector professional relationships and network connections that set him apart. Troy has a proven track record of, and commitment to, leading successful sport and entertainment searches throughout the region for organisations, leagues, clubs and teams of the highest level.

Before joining ZRG, Troy held multiple senior executive and board positions at international organizations, including BMC Switzerland, Thanyapura Sports Resort in Thailand, and TDH Group in Hong Kong before establishing the Asia-Pacific Sport & Entertainment practice at global executive search firm Odgers Berndtson.

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